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One new segment that we’re ALWAYS looking for feedback for is “How do you D/s?” The purpose of this is based on the fact that there’s no wrong way to enjoy your dynamic as long as it’s consensual. Each relationship is unique, and we want to highlight the typical, the super unique, and everything in-between so listeners can hear from others either the straight-forward or the atypical ways in which we do what we do.
Unpartnered? No problem! Let us know if you do pick-up play, if you are in service to a community and that’s the extent of things, if you’re a toy maker and that’s as far as your interests go, if you’re a bull or (whatever the female equivalent is). How do you kink?
There’s no due date on this portion, as replies are needed on a weekly basis and we do not have a bunch locked and loaded. So please jump on the phone and let us know how you do what you do.
Leave your response on our voicemail at *67-203-807-KINK (5465).
The *67 (star-6-7) blocks your information, the phone rings straight to voicemail, and voicemails cut off after 3 minutes.