Milk Maiden Update #10

It’s been a long time since we’ve had an update here. Well, for reasons.

I haven’t made milk in a VERY long time, and yes… I still want to. I think about it every day. The problem is, I just can’t right now. It started off with bathroom renovations. The oldest child clogged up the bathtub so bad with hair products and synthetic hair that it became unusable. When we decided to get it fixed, we had a Go Big or blah, blah, blah moment and decided to renovate the entire bathroom. However, that meant our bedroom became community property and kids were in and out at all hours of the night in order to use our bathroom. So… no more day and night pumping because there was no telling when someone would walk in while my tits were out with heavy machinery attached to them.

I tried using the dungeon for a while but pumping every few hours meant leaving the room and leaving Brian, and just not being where I wanted to be for 20 minutes at a time. And on top of that, rinsing and cleaning bottles and flanges became this game of hide and.. well, not seek. Just hide. Hide and dodge. It’s a stupid game. 0/10.. I do not recommend it. So overall, it all became too much and I couldn’t anymore. And now, I’m not even home.

My mom got sick, so I’m staying with her until she gets back on her feet. Could I pump while I’m here? Room to myself and all that? Sure. Where would I store the milk though? And also, no. I couldn’t. My mom’s dog kicks my door open all the time. My mom just walks in like she owns the place. Because she does! Haha! And now both of my kids are here with me. So once again, even though my room is more private than it was before, it’s still pretty open to everyone. It’s just not possible to produce milk right now.

I do still stimulate my nipples, and I squeeze milk out in the shower so they know I still love them. When I get back home, I want to start again even though I know it takes sooooooo much time to get the process going. But I miss it like Crazy!

So there’s the update. I can’t wait to document the journey starting over someday soon.

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