Milk Maiden Update #7
Again, I’ll start with the supplements list. There’s been no change this time around. I sort of want to buy more Liquid Gold and a few other Milky Mama supplements, but I’m trying to just not go crazy with it all. I have another breastmilk tea I’ll be adding to the mix once my Mother’s Milk tea runs out.
- Sunflower Lecithin
- Spirulina tablets
- Milk Goddess (
- Milk Thistle
- Goat’s Rue
- Mother’s Milk tea
Speaking of tea, I’ve been trying to be more purposeful with my intake. I read either on the box or somewhere else that the goal should be 3 cups of tea per day, so I’m trying to get on a morning, noon, and night routine. I haven’t checked, but I’m hoping between the supplements list and the tea, I’m getting everything I need.

Another thing I’ve been working on is my breastmilk bartending skills! I’ve so far made two milk based cocktails but I have a small handful of modifiable recipes that I plan on trying. The two I made still need to be perfected, and overall, each one I create will be a signature drink.

The thing I’m most proud of this week is tracking my output for the past couple of days (8-9 July). I was super curious to see how much milk I was making in a given day, so I kept a log. I didn’t want to do this for more than a couple of days because I guess I need to give myself permission to pump and drink or pump and dump instead of meticulously eyeballing and calculating every ounce after pumping. So.. here it is:

So it looks like I can squeeze out 7 to 9 ounces per day. That isn’t the unattainable dream of pumping gallons, but I’ll definitely accept it! And with those lovely results, another problem emerged. I mean, not a problem problem, but still. We have a gallon bag in the freezer labeled “DO NOT TOUCH” which is where we keep our breastmilk cubes after we’ve finished freezing them in our small dungeon freezer.

Well, I guess the problem is… if we don’t start drinking a cocktail a day, we’re going to have too many cubes and there’s only so much we can store in the family freezer before the kids start asking questions.

So is it time to sell my breastmilk? How does one even do that?! If you have a clue or you have done it, please let me know some tips or tricks so I can get started. Especially when (if??) my domperidone arrives. Someone on Reddit (r/AdultBreastfeeding) said that with being able to produce at least an ounce per session, dom is really going to do wonders for me. So again, SUPER excited but also wondering why the tracking says it’s still in California. Will they delete it and send me an update if it’s been seized by customs? Will I be waiting another month??? It’s been there since 12 June with zero progress.
Oh, I also think I’m outgrowing my pumping bras. They contain quite a bit of boobies but I’m starting to get that quadruple boob thing in the oddest spot. The bra is made for pumping, so it has some built in overlap (think venn diagram) in the front. So there’s like an open oval in the center if I were to pull down the nursing flap, then the layers of material…. I don’t know. I can’t explain it. But basically, I’m getting super weird boob protrusion at the edges of the oval and it looks ridiculous. It may just be me, and it may only be when I look down and not so much when I look in a mirror but still. It’s weird. And I don’t want to buy new bras so there’s that. I bought 5 of these bras at $20 each. I don’t want to drop another $100. They’re not terribly ill fitting. And maybe once I start working out and lose some weight, it may all work out.
I also have a consultation coming up someday about my breast implants. I don’t know if I want to remove them or replace them, or if I just need a 10 year check-up and then keep them for another 10 years. I don’t know how these things work. We’ll see.
Okay, that’s all I got. Until next time… keep it milky. Haha!! I’m ridiculous.
If you like this post, this Milk Maiden series, or have any questions/comments/concerns, please use the comment box below. I love hearing from you all and I’d love to hear from you more!!
Love all of your milky updates. I’m also trying to induce, and reading about your experience is giving me hope. How much of each supplement were you taking in the beginning?
Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog updates. One thing I had a hard time finding was other people’s experience, so it was hard for me to gauge my own (and yes, every body reacts differently but I still wanted to compare notes.. lol) and that’s why I blog.
For all of the supplements listed, I just took whatever the serving size was on the container. Most of them were 2 pills twice a day. Some of them were 2 pills 3 times a day but I was reading them wrong, then just opted to leave it at 2×2. And to be honest, that was because I bought one of those AM/PM 7 day pill storage containers and they don’t have a “mid-day” option. Haha!
Good luck on your journey and please do come back and keep us posted!!