Milk Maiden Update #6
Before I get into anything, I’ll start with the supplements list .
- Sunflower Lecithin
- Spirulina tablets
- Dairy Dutchess
- Milk Thistle
- Goat’s Rue
- Mother’s Milk tea
CORRECTION: I haven’t been using Dairy Dutchess the full time, but I left up it there because it’s the familiar name that I’ve been saying in all of the other blogs. I was using Dairy Dutchess up until about Update #3, then I started using Milk Goddess, and as of a week ago, I have been taking Lady Leche. All of these are from Milky Mama. However, I think I want to go back to Lady Leche.
Right now, it feels like the milk factory is having some ups and downs. I know my pumping schedule has pretty much turned into whenever I feel like it, and that was no big deal when my supply was awesome. But now, when Brian tries to drink from me, he’s like, “Yeah.. there’s barely anything there.” So it’s time to go back into full-time Hoover mode.
I found an awesome podcast I like! It’s called Lactation Station. It’s technical but also laid back and easy to listen to. I find myself nerding out on Brian and since he usually has a mouth full of tities at the time, he has no choice but to listen to me ramble. Haha! I also joined a lactation Reddit group, so I’m constantly learning more and more. I think I need to do one of those induction methods out there and get my supply back up. Step #1 – Quit being lazy about pumping.
I still want to get away from the vitamins though. I was looking at the back of my Liquid Gold pill bottle and it turns out I was taking 2 pills twice per day instead of three times per day. So basically, the bottle would be gone in 10 days. That bottle costs like $26. I don’t want to spend that much every 10 days. The Milky Mama supplements don’t last that long either but the one I want, Lady Leche, is only $12 a bottle. I’m not sure if that’s a sale price or not but I guess I better get a few just in case this is their way of selling out and discontinuing it.
I’m still waiting on my domperidone. I guess it’s been stuck in customs in California since 12 June. I read somewhere that it could get confiscated. I hope that’s not the case. In the meantime, I’ll study up on these different induction methods, get back to sticking with a solid pumping schedule, drink more tea and water, and all that jazz.
But one thing that is AWESOME is that we got our mini fridge fixed!!! Time to make drinks for my man with Irish Cream and stuff!!!

Super excited about the fridge and super excited to actually be able to store my milk! With it being summer time and kids all around me, I haven’t been able to wash or rinse my equipment in a way that made the milk I was producing safe for consumption. Now that we have the fridge, I can quickly rinse and store equipment until I can wash it properly. No more bags and bags and bags of milk in the trash!! And as far as the cubes go, when I pump, I pour the milk into storage bags and when they all reach the same temperature, then they go into the cube for freezing. And with that, I can at least say that I’m making over 4 oz per day. So I’m not doing terribly bad but I’m not where I want to be. And yes, I understand that my dream of making 4+ oz per breast every session may be extreme, but a Kitten can dream, right?
I started my lactation journey the same time you did. It was actually how I found your podcast! If you are able to produce what you do without domperidone then your supply is going to be insane when you get it! It took mine ever bit of a month to receive and I started taking 30-60mg a day and I love it. Y’all are so informative and entertaining/goofy. Makes kink more approachable!!
Awesome! My domperidone has been stuck in California (clearing customs, I guess) since 12 June. I wish they’d send it already!! Edit: Oh, and I’m glad our podcast makes kink more approachable for you. That was definitely one of our goals!