Milk Maiden Update #5
Okay, I’ll start with the supplements list. Nothing has changed other than the fact that I think I’m going to quit buying more and just see what happens. Like, I just ran out of shatavari, so I’m going to check the other pills and see if that’s already in there somewhere. If so, no reorder. That way, I’m getting everything I need without spending too much money.
- Liquid Gold
- Sunflower Lecithin
- Spirulina tablets
- Shatavari tablets
- Dairy Dutchess supplements
- Milk Thistle
- Mother’s Milk tea
And where are we with the domperidone, you ask? Well…… turns out, I never ordered it. I’ve been checking the mailbox like a crazy lady for a month for no reason. I finally went through my bank statements and emails aaand nothing! I ordered it again but for real this time. I checked my email and everything. So here’s to another month’s wait. But while I’m waiting,
Holy Progress, Batman!! I’ve started tracking my progress a bit more, and I’ll say that I’m absolutely pleased. Am I exactly where I want to be? No. But I’m definitely moving in the right direction.

Lactation start date: 8 April 21
Power Pumping sessions:
20 min pump/10 min rest
15 min pump/5 min rest
10 min pump/done

This was after accompanying Brown Eyes on a business trip. We were in the car for nearly half the day, and then he fed from me a couple of times during the night. By the time I woke up in the morning, I was extremely sore and ready to pump!

This is just unfortunate. I pumped on time, every 2 hours, like a machine the day before. So when I woke up this particular morning, my boobs were aching and ready. I was ready to fill an entire bottle, but nope. This was it.

The day before this beauty, I drank so much tea and water! I continued to pump like a machine, and my Mister fed from me a couple of times during the night.
Note to self:
Drink plenty of fluids. It works!!

I’m trying not to feel stagnant because there’s definitely progress. Especially when I add in the fact that I’ve gotten a bit lax with my pumping schedule. Also, I’ve been ill for what feels like a week. First, with the COVID vaccine and secondly with just a random cold. So fluid intake isn’t where it should be and pumping hasn’t been either.
Overall, I’m enjoying this process. With having my pumping schedule thrown off a couple of times, I’ve opted to respect my nipples a bit more and give them a break when need be. I can definitely tell they’re not as sore as they used to be. It used to feel like I had stuck my nipples in a pencil sharpener, and every pumping session would feel like another round of that. But lately, with taking it a bit easy (taking it way too easy while being under the weather), I’ve noticed that pumping doesn’t make me want to cry, and sticking my tits in Brown Eyes’ face isn’t a mix of pleasure/pain.
I also enjoy spending that quality time with my man. When he’s half asleep, it’s like getting super cuddles! When he’s awake, I love feeling him get turned on and then afterwards, I enjoy squeezing my tits and emptying my milk ducts into his mouth. Is my aim perfect? No. And with that, I discovered that I have a thing for breastmilk facials. Whatever! Don’t judge me!! I also have a weird desire for him to milk me. I’ve since learned that Hucow is a thing. Human-cow.. get it? Haha! Getting milked while on all fours and maybe even mooing is definitely on my list.
Do I ever taste my milk? If you found yourself wondering at all, the answer is Yes!! I taste fucking delicious!!! For a while, I’d pump and dump. Then I started pumping and storing. But now, we really need to get the dungeon minifridge fixed because I have nowhere else to hide milk. So now, I pump and drink.